Sunday, September 7, 2014


Within the same hour, on the same television but on different channels, I watched on one channel a mindless Beverly Hills actress who was selling one of her eighty cars to buy an island for her husband, and on the other, a mourning pack of Muslim people protesting after the main family having received the body of their eldest son, alongside his head.

What frightens me is that most of us believe the world is mildly equal, and those who disagree do so either because they see that marriage equality is not considered pertinent nor legal in most countries and states, or because they are aware that Africa is poverty stricken. Yes, these two facts are true, but so is the fact that there exists amidst our technological lives places where terrors of war and religion are claiming the lives of many, and unfortunately for me, I know of this and I see this daily.

My parents see it fit to have a Lebanese satellite box rather than Foxtel or Netflix because they believe their cultural roots to be of higher importance than the seven o'clock news - even if they flick back to Australian television every now and again to eavesdrop on their country of residence.

The world is interconnected with the help of technological advances, yet war and its terrors are slicing through this connectivity. Sometimes I consider moving out of my parents' home just because of their viewing choices, and at other times I am thankful for seeing these atrocities because they remind me that the world is not a beautiful place, and that beauty is simply an illusion.

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