Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cell Phone Transitioning

As of late, the only description you would have heard erupting from my mouth in vulgarity when asked to describe my Samsung Galaxy s2 would indeed consist of vulgar words, limited to cuss words and disrespectful phrases which demean the inventors of it. 

And very recently, you will hear me scream otherwise. This is so because today, I received my cousin's old iPhone Four to borrow and use to my liking because of the amount of times I had complained about my Samsung. I think I complained enough to score myself a momentarily free iPhone. It is in great condition. It is clean. It works excellently. It downloads and opens applications at the speed of light. Its accessibility is perfect, its screen a good size, and its camera spectacular - so what, then, is my problem?

I miss my old phone. I am beginning to have withdrawals, and the weight of this phone is weighing down my comfort. I appreciate iMessage and the ability to talk to important people in my life with ease, but I admit, it will take me a lot of time to get used to this phone. I am one of those strange ancient people who has never before owned an iPhone. I started off with a Nokia, another Nokia and another until they became outdated, and I spent thousands of dollars on a brand new Samsung Galaxy s1 and was immediately blown away and hooked. 

Swype is one thing I now have to learn to do without. I can no longer swiftly glide my finger across the screen to display what I want. I can no longer use a back button, or send and receive things via a smart and handy Bluetooth functionality. I can no longer apply widgets to my screens, as far as my knowledge extends, and now I have to get used to having to type my password every time that I want to download an application. I also, to add to my dilemma, have to forget the fact that my once wonderful Samsung Galaxy s2 has the original edition of Flappy Bird on it, a now extinct and rare game. Not to mention 60% of my story ideas. 

It is just difficult to move on. There are a lot of changes that will probably scare me back to my Samsung Galaxy s2, despite how much I despise it and despite my continuous need for conformity when it comes to cell phones. I loathe conformity in any sense, but I rid myself of this hatred when I purchased another Apple product earlier this year- a MacBook Air. It is the best laptop I have ever owned, and that sounds bias because I've only owned one, a large-screened HP laptop. Though I adored it, the second I purchased my MacBook Air that all changed. 

This is different, though. Yes, I am compelled by FaceTime and iMessage to stay, however the Samsung Galaxy s2 is a difficult competitor - I wonder if I will go back to it! 

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