Sunday, March 23, 2014

Black Paint

As I was painting the background of my canvas today, I thought a little too deep about black paint and how we all have a background of black paint that foreshadows us. We all carry it around with us yet most people cannot see that it is part of us.

We are too quick to make judgements about people. We are too quick to jump to conclusions, conclusions that are not always true, nor met. We are too harsh. We see with our eyes and not with our hearts, and that there lies the problem, for if we saw with our eyes then we would see everyone else's black backgrounds. We would see the struggle, the trouble that they stand out in front of and we would appreciate their ability to still be standing despite all of the black in their lives. Instead, we judge, we hate, we conspire. 

'Love is our resistance', Muse sings. And that is true. But love is absent, it is slowly fading away with the notion of placing sexual intimacy first. Human connection mentally and emotionally comes before the physical connection. This is why so many relationships falter, the people in them fail to see and feel the love that exists. Instead they look only with their eyes and see things for what they look like, not for what they truly are. Inside, despite the blackness, is a lot of white. We are made up of ying and yang yet people see only either the ying or the yang, when it is both elements that make up who we are. Only some blessed people see both sides.

The white part of us consists of our successes, our achievements, our morality and ethics, our sense of pride, our sense of freedom, our beliefs, our inner selves. Imagine all that is left behind if only the black is focussed on, or imagine all that is left behind if all the white is focussed on. It is crucial to our existence that we see both, that we see with our hearts, that we blind all preconceived notions and we create our own based on our ying and yang.

I have too much of both colours, and not enough people to see it all. It is problematic because they are important aspects which define me. My suffering shapes my identity, my physical form is lesser than my inner form, yet the media forces you to believe otherwise. Do not be brainwashed by society. Do not let magazines and companies dictate your thoughts and your beliefs simply for their continuous income of money, wealth and fame. Do not let their lies poison your minds. Think for yourselves. Exist, thrive, be. You are special because you are you, your suffering, your pride, it is all a part of who you are, do not hide any of it and when you find another revealing individual, cling to them like they are the last human on earth, because they very well might be, as far as your ability to connect with them goes.

Carry your black and white paint with pride. Wear your identity, be your identity, pave your own path and thrive. Create, inspire, enjoy, live. Do not hide any more. Dictate your own life, and think for yourself. Then watch how life gains its worth.

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