Saturday, March 22, 2014


One innocent day, a group of seemingly innocent people attended a cinema viewing of the movie Orphan, its mysterious movie poster beckoning this moment, luring in this particular group and many seemingly innocent others.

The groups in the movie theatre were unsuspecting of what sort of movie to expect, besides the fact that it is a horror movie - how scary will it be? Will my popcorn fly? Will I spend the movie laughing at others in fear or feel fear myself? There was only one way to find out, so the groups purchased their overpriced snacks and drinks, and progressed into the theatre and found their perfect viewing seats.

The movie poster showed a young girl, wearing old gothic style clothing, and on the bottom it said, "what is wrong with Esther?"Most people who were exposed to that poster wished to find out, even if it meant having to spend half of their life earnings to do so. Fools. I was one of those fools, and as I sit here years later watching Orphan on the television, I still am scarred from the viewing of it. I am reminiscing on my first viewing and how my very notions of possibly adopting a child in the future died off.

I never have grown out of fearing adoption due to Orphan. I still fear that if I bring an adopted child into my home, that they will secretly be a short adult, wearing false teeth to hide their eroded ones, and attempt to rape my spouse as a form of sexual pleasure, and to fulfil their strange fetish. I would be lucky to come home to my house still standing, seeing as they also might burn my house down. As unrealistic as this may seem, every movie idea is mainly based on some occurrence, it cannot just be entirely made up unless they are depicting world peace.

Yet I still am watching the movie, to this day. The twists contained within are so powerful, powerful enough to have me keep coming back wanting more and more. In fact, I have viewed the movie enough to recite most quotes, or note all scenes in order. And my fear has also grown, because nowadays we meet and befriend people without quite knowing everything about them. That is not to say that every person is Esther, rather they might be some strange form of a person, a beacon of utter disturbance. This is also not to say that you should not trust anybody. Just keep your distance, especially if they are named Esther.

I have Orphan to blame for my need for fertility. I will never again consider adoption, even if it means that I will expand even more than I am expanded now just to squeeze a melon out of my nostril. A living, breathing melon that is not Esther.

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