Thursday, July 31, 2014

Childish Gambino

In these fast times, it is rare for one to stop and consider with another of the same headspace some pondering about life. One sometimes runs out of these persons, and heads on a journey for more. 

One would think that, considering the success of social interactions on the internet that new friends are a sentence away in real life if you share common interests. Today I stumble upon a man who shared an uncommon interest with me, or so I hoped. Seated in my art class, I was unbeknownst to the fact that the only male in there was dressed in a hoodie with 'CHILDISH GAMBINO' written on the front and tour dates on the back. I automatically knew that this person liked the rapper enough to go to his live show. That is dedication beyond me because I missed that opportunity. I decided, mistakenly, to attempt to publicly make a friend of this man. 

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "you like Childish Gambino too! That's it, we should be best friends now!" His response did not align with that of which played in my head prior to my brave conversation starter. Instead, he scoffed and continued walking right past me to the back of the classroom and sat amongst four beautiful looking girls and revelled in their presence. These girls shared no musical interests with him at the level that I did. I simply could not fathom how a listener of the musical rebel Childish Gambino would refuse a grandeur offer such as the one I threw at him. Am I that unapproachable? Am I that intolerable? Or is sex still selling?

It is sometimes rather disappointing to believe in the fact that out there, there possibly exists somebody who shares your interests. That you are not alone. Because most of the time, the world proves you wrong through the actions of stereotypically conforming status quo persons who emerge from the depths of capitalism and tempt outcasts like me into an abyss of further loneliness where even despite my strenuous efforts to pull myself out, and despite all the observations I have undertaken displaying human social behaviours, all that I know turns out falsified and I fall back into the abyss.

I shall not let this person ruin my seeking for deep friendships, though. Perhaps I am better off straying from those who wish to converse with persons who look as though they will fall apart at the sneezing of a snail. Perhaps I should aim higher than a person who scoffs at my complimentary remark. Perhaps I will just withdraw into my shell again and stop associating with humankind altogether.

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