Saturday, July 12, 2014

In This Day and Age

Just then, I came across the above photo set whilst scrolling through Tumblr. And it had me thinking: how different would things have been had we been alive at a different time?

Think of all those people you know who you would not trade for the world or for a box of chocolates even if chocolates became extinct and that was the last ever box in existence. Would you know them in the other era you would be in, too? Would you have others who you would feel exactly the same way about, thus in a way demeaning your current ones? How lucky are you indeed to be in existence aligned with those you currently know? Would you rather exist in a different lifetime and see who else you are capable of ending up knowing? What if you knew historical figures like Julius Caesar or Marie Antoinette? How would Joan of Arc approach a thing like Facebook? Or pizza? Did Joan of Arc really exist in the first place? 

Life has a gist of fluidity in it. In fact, life is entirely fluid. Nothing is for certain and that too means existence is not for certain. What is to say that we did not exist in another lifetime, and the only thing stopping us from knowing this is that our memories from that lifetime were erased? Or perhaps we are repeating the life we live unbeknownst to it all and each time we experience a déjà vu it means we are repeating the same mistakes or advances? It is all mind-bending, but as is what we call 'reality', the now, the then and the tomorrow. What does it truly mean to be real? Do we suffice as real beings? Spend a day staring at your hands and think about this. 

There is a Greek myth, allegedly, that claims that humans were born with two sets of body parts and they were split into two to find their other halves in their lives, but what does a lover practicing polygamy say to that? An extra pair of hands would have been nice. Do we really ever have one lover or are we destined to be burdened by several who just do not seem to understand that one life does not necessarily have room for any strife? Are those who burden us sent to us in order to place us back on the path towards our true second halves? Do our second halves even exist in our lifetimes? What if our second halves existed or will exist at other times? And what if they too struggle to find their half because their half has died searching for them? What if this entire journey mimics that of Benjamin Button's but along a timeline of lifetimes? 

All of these big questions always tend to find their ways to me at early morning hours. They should find me later on in the day so as to ensure that I am proactive towards my approach in seeking answers. Is it necessary to have mornings and nights and to follow the pattern of the sun and when it comes and goes?

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