Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dear Nelson Mandela

Dear Nelson Mandela

I never knew you in person, I just know you from the way those who knew you have used adjectives to paint a picture of yourself for the minds of people like me.

First of all I want to thank you. Even though there is still so much racism and hatred in this world, because of you, Nelson, it has settled down in the areas and hearts that you have touched in your time, and I am sure that many people after your time will also be touched and inspired. You have shown to all of us that a movement is not worth a struggle if there is no fight. For if there is no fight, there is no attack on the current state of the thing that needs to be changed. For twenty-seven years you were imprisoned, and for twenty-seven years you remained strong. Your struggles in your lifetime were overshadowed by your constant smile and the hope for your people, that one day racism will be depleted and be a shameful thing of the past.

Whenever I think of you, Nelson, I think of love and equality. I think of brother and sisterhood, and reconciliation. I think of peace, of quiet momentous evenings spent by you planning your next peaceful protest, and how each small step you took made a big impact. I aspire to be like you, Nelson. I aspire to have your qualities. Your incredible strength when times are tough, your need to push on to reach your goals, and your constant smile to indicate that no matter what hurdles are set in your path, you will overcome them and that you did.

We need more people like you here. We already miss your presence because of how warm it was, how welcoming and how hopeful it remained. We cheered you on as you voted for the first time. We cheered you on as you walked out of those prison gates and waved, your fingers flowing through the breeze you had been deprived of. We cheered you on as you took your presidential seat. And we still cheer on your life achievements because they are the antidotes to the wrongs of this world.

You were a beautiful man, Nelson. Not many stand to achieve and actually do achieve. You begged to differ, and I am ever so grateful. Your Nobel Peace Prize was not merely enough to reward your efforts.

I pray that you rest easy, and I would like to tell you that your smile and love for peace lives on in this world, though you no longer do.

Rest in peace, Nelson.

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