Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Crazy Ones

"Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. 
The troublemakers. 
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. 
They’re not fond of rules. 
And they have no respect for the status quo. 
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. 
Because they change things
They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create.
 They inspire. 
They push the human race forward. 
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Crazy: insane, deranged, mad, manifested in wild behaviour. 'Crazy' is a word mostly seen in a negative aspect, but why is that so? Why can't crazy be a good thing?

I saw the movie 'Jobs' today, and at the very end, Steve Jobs says the above quote, and it got to me. Now, while this quote originated from a form of advertising campaign to do with Apple, it influenced me nonetheless, even though I am not an inspirational programmer or whatnot. It influenced me in the sense that, I, as a future job-holder of some sort in the education sector, no matter how crazy I seem or how much of an outcast I am, have the power to influence change, not exactly to the world, but change to a much smaller group of people, which could ultimately be a change to the educative world.

I, along with all of the other 'crazy ones' out there, must accept ourselves as the crazy ones, and see it as a good thing rather than a bad thing. We may indeed be 'mis-fits', but maybe our goal is not to fit the status quo mould, instead form our own moulds. Not one, many. Many to accomodate the large amount of assorted sorts of misfits. Because we do not fit under the 'misfit' globe alone, we fit under many, depending on our interests and hobbies and talents and skills. This is an opportunity for us to combine, mend, and thrive in our differences.

My thought processes are different to the status-quo's. So is my vision of the world and my way of operating. Mostly, I am seen as a lazy person because I am perceived in that way, physically - I do not partake in many physical endeavours unless it is blatantly necessary, and I do not contribute to the economy, because I am yet to have a job. However, I am mentally active, and a potential near-future contributor to the literary world. Thus, I am not at all that useless. How could Shakespeare have written all of those one-hundred and ninety-five grand literary pieces if he had worked at a convenience store? How about if he had worked at a petrol station? Well, not many.

Perhaps when I find myself in the world, and the mould in which I'll comfortably fit, I will influence change. Perhaps I am even doing it now. I know that I inspire many of my relatives, and they are beginning to see my artistic talents and creativity, such as my facepainting skills and traditional art skills. Art in different forms, too. And some peers have been inspired by my character alone, and my writing. I suppose then I already am a crazy one who has inspired some. And though inspiring some is not seen as a lot, it is definitely a beginning to the instillment of a purpose. 

After all, what is a life lived if it is lived without a purpose? Be crazy, and thus purposeful. If you do not fit with who you are trying to fit in with now, find others to fit in with. But do not give up. Being crazy is a good thing. So is being a misfit. Embrace it, fellow crazy ones.

Wikipedia [en.wikipedia.org]

Yahoo 7 Answers [au.answers.yahoo.com]

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