Monday, January 27, 2014

Large Chlorinated Bubbly Puddles of Water

Spas are the most relaxing things known to mankind, and oh, the utter simplicity of them. If one were to ponder the simplicity that is the spa, they would notice that it is a mere tidied and tiled up slightly large pool of chlorinated water that bubbles immensely in amazing ways at the very push of a button - that you have to manually push every fifteen or so minutes, which means that you have to leave the warmth and safety of this chlorinated pool of water in order to make it a bubbly pool of water once again.

And that is the most unappealing thing about these ingenious inventions - rather, additions to circumstances. That once one is quite comfortable, floating while one's fingers trace the tiny square tiles beneath them, back and forth, while one is getting artificially heated to the point where the outside temperature drops rapidly compared to that of the water, one must reach the inevitable end of the spa's accommodating experience - the stopping of the pump and its massaging bubbles, until of course, one peels themselves out of the water's grasp and spends seconds that feel like minutes to exit the water and press the button, and return again to the water - and this experience all becomes quite repetitive to one if one has companions in the pool and one is the only out of those companions who obliged to turn it on each time it turns off. "No," one says, "I insist, allow me!"

Yet one secretly enjoys insisting to volunteer to be the spa brewer - one receives a feeling of joy that burns within, because when one presses that button again, sacrificing their comfort momentarily, one knows that they are bringing immense comfort as soon as they return into the spa, to themselves and to one's companions. It is an instantaneous good feeling, and one is both the bringer and receiver of it - to receive feels good, and to give makes receiving better. Apart from the massaging experience in the spa, one's soul receives a massage in one's good deeds.

A spa is a haven for one's soul, mind and body, despite the givings of the haven existing only momentarily.

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